Taylor Reign vs Dante

Smooth Boys match up! Same height, similar build, and two smooth ripped bods. Dante is already an MBW fan fave and Taylor is a global superstar. In the first seconds Taylor asks “do you wrestle?” and they start making out - HOT! But once the action starts the blows and moves start flying. Taylor LOVES to mix dominance with some sexy face humping and he mounts Dante’s face right away. As usual, these boys came to wrestle AND to play! Taylor pummels Dante’s thick chest with smashes and gets him in a punishing spladle. But Dante is no jobber! He mounts a comeback and bearhugs and crabs Taylor beautifully. You want to trade sub holds Dante? Ok then. Taylor reverses and gets Dante in a vicious camel and a REALLLLY long held bow and arrow and it’s very hot to watch this latin stud SUFFER. And that’s only at the half way point!! Still to come is another Dante comeback, complete with a BIG rack of flexible Taylor and some vintage snap suplexes. At the end of this very long video Taylor takes the opportunity to do what all the fans have been dying for him to do: expose Dante’s gorgeous smooth ass and have some fun playing with it. 

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