Kurt Fletcher
Kurt Fletcher Videos

Scrappy McNair vs Kurt Fletcher
Did Scrappy piss off the wrestling gods? Last catalog Scrappy tore apart twink Marcus Ryan and the fans lapped it up. Perhaps he tempted fate because pro wrestler Kurt Fletcher decides to rip into Scrappy like no one has before! With his bubble ass and long locks you’d think Kurt would be all style and no substance but oh HELL no! He lays into Scrappy with slams, stomps, punches, suplexes, bearhugs, and every other pro wrestling move. Scrappy is great at playing the heel but watching him whine, cry, and suffer is equally pleasuring.

Joey McCoy vs Spencer Hawkins vs Kurt Fletcher
Who likes to watch jobber boy Joey McCoy get destroyed? We get tons of requests for a two on one destruction so here is one that will really get your blood pumping. Spencer and Kurt decide to team up and double team poor Joey and holy hell do they put the boots to this boy toy. If you like watching gorgeous boys get demolished then this one is for you!

Kurt Fletcher vs Corey Badger Boy Turner
We knew Kurt Fletcher is a master ring technician but we didn’t know is what a bad ass he can be when presented with a twinkie jobber like Corey Turner! Kurt easily makes a meal of sexy Corey. He really revels in punishing and humiliating his smaller opponent and uses every inch of the ring as his personal playground.

Joey McCoy vs Kurt Fletcher
Great wrestling matches are often about contrast. MBW fans...THIS. IS. A. GREAT wrestling match! Joey is everyone’s favorite gorgeous boy toy who has an innocent face and the best sell in the biz. In shiny blue trunks that make his junk look like it’s swelling we know our fans will be turned on by this one! Kurt Fletcher is a long haired rocker dude who loves the spotlight and loves pounding on pretty boys. Joey’s trademark screams and facial expressions are all over the mat room and for a while it feels like this will be a total squash. Joey has other ideas!

Spencer Hawkins vs Kurt Fletcher
Spencer Hawkins looks like a long lost cousin of the Von Erich brothers and suffers and sells ten times better than Kevin ever did. Long haired Kurt looks like a cross between Greg “The Hammer” Valentine and Sean Michaels and wrestles with just as much intensity! Spencer is all upbeat jobber hotness and Kurt is all business as he absolutely DESTROYS young Spencer with one of the nastiest squashes we’ve seen in a long time. Just witness poor Spencer’s head being punched repeteadly and used as a battering ram throughout.