Ty Shadow
Ty Shadow Videos

Ty Shadow vs Zach Ramos
Ty and Zach are two of our best pro wrestling technicians and this sweaty affair will likely give you the vapors. Ty brings his smoldering and slow domination to the matroom and we know you will love every sweaty minute of it! Can you keep a secret? Zach LOVES to get worked over. Ty revels in taking apart a jobber so we think this is an absolute perfect combo of jobber and heel!

Ty Shadow vs Luke Truong
There may be no better wrestler at mixing rough, hot, and erotic on the mats then Ty Shadow. He clearly loves the mind and body control required to create an erotic scene that is shadowed with violence and manipulation. He is a master at this style and Ty’s white trunks beautifully show his wet and hard cock so he also is turned on by the control. Ty forces Luke to worships his chest, pits, and biceps! Later he lifts up Luke by his trunks giving him a nice wedgie just to show the world he will humiliate you just as easily as he will dominate. Watching Ty hold sway over Luke in every second of this match will melt your soul and crank your loins.

Ty Shadow vs Evan Sterling
Let’s get NAKED boys. The amazing part of this matchup is that these two skilled wrestlers manage to put on an incredible pro wrestling match while also being buck naked. There is so much great action and erotic play. Whether Ty is slapping Evan’s bare ass (and leaving read marks) or stuffing his trunks in Evan’s mouth, we all know who the wrestling master is on the mats. Evan certainly does mind being manhandled especially when Ty’s cock is in his mouth! This video is a great mix of hot pro action, long sexy holds, and lustful play.

Ty Shadow vs Pup Bandit
Who is up for some boners and punches and chokes? There is plenty of all 3 in this match up! Ty and Bandit are charged up and ready to rock. Speaking of rocks, the rock hard woody Ty is sporting from the get go is enough to make anyone wet. Pup is as thick as a brick shithouse and is ready to rumble. Ty takes hold of the first half of this match with skill and precision but Bandit is always prime for a comeback as he traps Ty is some hot holds and erotic seduction. And when the action goes naked, Ty makes a meal off of Bandit’s plump ass and then rides it to the sunset.

Rob Steel vs Ty Shadow
If you are gonna play rough against a massive bodybuilder like Rob you better play ROUGH! Steel has a body of steel and knows how to use it and you can feel the power of his punches right through the screen. He throws a barrage of them at Ty and this match is filled with impact play that will surely impact your libido. There is some great back and forth brawling as well as a bunch of sexy sub holds that are cranked on both wrestlers. We always root for the little guy to overtake the big guy but we also looove watching the big man manhandle the smaller boy.

Ty Shadow vs Mack Mahoney
We think Ty has invented a new style of wrestling; Sensual squashing? Sexy combat? Mack is jazzed up and turned on by Ty’s unique blend of wrestling and sex because the look on his face tells us a thousand words. Mack is jazzed up and turned on by Ty’s unique blend of wrestling and sex because the look on his face tells us a thousand words. Then the ball torture begins! Punching and tapping Mack’s junk seems to turn Ty on even more and we know fans will love this vid from the first second to the last.

Ty Shadow vs Jack Dillon
Who’s up for a knock down, drag out FIGHT? Pro wrestlers are often skilled and bad ass competitiors but Ty and Jack take that notion to a whole new level in one of the roughest fights we’ve ever filmed. It’s also extremely rare that we see such a varitey of holds and moves in one 30 minutes match. These guys are out for blood and so we just got out of the way and let go at it. Halfway through the action it is SO intense and SO back and forth it is impossible to know who has the upper hand or who might come out on top - and that makes it HOT. All the rest is gravy on an already sumptuous feast. This is one not to be missed!

Ty Shadow vs Brody Fox
Whether choking Brody Fox with his two hands or stuffing his mouth with his cock, Ty Shadow knows how to take control of an opponent. Brody is new to MBW but his gorgeously ripped body and submissive streak makes him the perfect match for the dominant Ty. Pounding him all over the mats and in multiple positions, Ty takes the heel role to a whole new level! Brody moans and groans through it all - we seriously doubt he will be the only person moaning his way through this one!

Ty Shadow vs Tripp Evans
Ty Shadow made one of the most impressive and smoldering debuts in MBW history. This time around Ty has set his sights on humpy Tripp Evans. Tripp is ready and horny to go at it with Ty and both of these Muscle Boys tear into each other with grit and ferocity. There are rough body shots, slams and suplexes, and tons of long held mat holds to please every fans palate. This sweaty back and forth will blow our fans minds and Ty Shadow is on his way to becoming an MBW superstar!

Ty Shadow vs Aiden Langston
Is the world truly ready for the superstardom that is about to be thrust onto Ty Shadow?! From the way he violently thrusts against Aiden's muscle ass we know Ty is READY. There have been some spectacular debuts at MBW but this erotic tinged fight between these two newcomers is one for the ages! Aiden Langston is more than ready to give up EVERYTHING to Ty and in this sweat soaked domination session it’s apparent that Ty can have anything he wants from just about anybody.