Leo Langston
Leo Langston Videos

Roger Atlas vs Leo Langston
We know Roger Atlas is a rough and tumble top tier pro wrestler in the industry but in this ring fight he is ACHING to level his opponent! All cocky thickness, Roger goes in ROUGH on Leo’s ripped body from the first moment the bell rings. In between pec bounces and flexing for the camera, Roger uses tons of corner work, slams, stomps, mat holds, bearhugs and chokes to knock Leo off his feet repeatedly. He will not be deterred and as the sweat drips from his smooth and beefy body and we know he will NOT be denied!

Johnny Greco vs Leo Langston
Johnny Greco has developed into a terrific pro wrestler and watching him utilize the ring in creative ways is a source of pride for MBW boss Rocco. Greco has been beefing up his body too and there are no complaints on that front either! Leo Langston has a few inches on Johnny and he has a body of death and enough enthusiasm to fill up 3 wrestling rings. These two go at it with refreshing abandon and they toss each other around the ring and even exchange the dreaded tree of woe in the turnbuckle.

Drew Harper vs Leo Langston
Listen up fans, this is the most intense and rough match you are likely to see Drew in - EVER. His experience and ring savvy has grown in leaps and bounds. And he leaps all over Leo with dropkicks and bounds him up in the ropes with vicious punishing blows! This is the Drew Harper show and we are here to worship, wonder, and get off.