Catalog 24 - Below the Belt!
January 14, 2021
We all know the Muscle Boys love to get nasty. They always find new ways to rough each other up and in Catalog 24 they are set on drilling each other’s nuts with punches, slaps, headbutts, and flinch inducing ball grabs! We are known for our expert wrestling moves, sexy kissing, and hot groping. But a rough ball grab and hot nip torture will always get our fans pulses racing so why have a whole catalog dedicated to it?! Our Muscle Boys superior wrestling skills and best of the best erotic wrestling are all here too. Ring in the New Year with the Muscle Boys and watch them ring each other’s balls with the best and roughest action you will find anywhere!

Roger Atlas vs Johnny Greco
Roger Atlas has muscle, charisma, and the type of old school pro wrestling skills that will send our fans into orbit! For his first match we put him up against another talented adonis, Johnny Greco. This back and forth barn burner is a pro wrestling clinic that harkens back to the early days of Saturday morning pro wrestling. These two seem out for blood as they hammer, suplex, and bodyslam each other all over the ring!

Iceman Johnson vs Drew Harper
As these two squirt oil all over each other’s bodies it would be easy to assume this will be one of those lighter touch scuffles on the oily mats. But just watch how the boys prove you wrong! And did we mention our catalog title was largely inspired by the absolutely VICIOUS way that Iceman wrecks Drews cock and balls? Drew’s thongy neon trunks and Iceman’s cock conturing baby blue banana sack will undoubtedly keep your hard ons raging! And their no holds barred attack on each other will really keep you coming back for more!

Rex Brody vs Nick Milani
You can now officially call Nick the ball busting KING of MBW! Actually, Nick seems to be upping his entire wrestling game lately and it is a rock hard pleasure to see him drill, stomp, smack, and tease Rex Brody’s ample ball sack. His full tilt torture of big Rex’ balls is accompanied by some VERY hot making out, nip sucking, and some bare assed fun. And the see-through jock strap Nick is sporting leaves nothing to the imagination - especially when he is grinding on Rex’ beard with his cock!

Bull Barrett vs Jesse Zane
With both boys in schoolboy singlets the coach/boy vibe couldn’t be stronger. Throw in some super hot kissing, bare ass humping, nip torture, ball torture (go Jesse!), and sexual suggestiveness and the temperature in the mat room rises to a comfortable boiling hot! They can’t seem to decide if they want to beat the crap out of each other or fuck the living daylights out of each other. The result is one of the hottest (and sweatiest) contests ever filmed on the MBW mat!

Lobo Gris vs Gunnar Stone
As you witness Lobo muscle worshipping the wrestling god known as Gunnar one has to wonder how long before Gunnar puts the boots to the latin boy wonder? Gunnar obviously has the goods to manhandle his slender opponent but there is one tactic Gunnar didn’t plan for: Lobo is gonna wreck his balls and then wreck them some more. Lobo goes rogue and lays the testicle smackdown on Gunnar and wow it is ROUGH! It’s hard to keep a big man down even after you take an anvil to their nuts and yeah Gunnar will rise again and humiliate Lobo in his bright red jockstrap.

Armond Rizzo vs Leo Luckett
Leo Luckett was set to face off against returning superstar Armond Rizzo but he brought a valet to beat all valet’s in Sir Alex Costa. Leo preens and struts his way into the ring but manages to steal some kisses and gropes from his Daddy. Armond is ready for action but Leo has a new found confidence and he lays into Armond from the get go. Before this one wraps up Leo’s cock will be in Armond’s mouth and Costa will carry Leo out of the ring.

Scrappy McNair vs Jeremy Daniels
Behold the absolutely sweat drenched fight between Scrappy and Jeremy. It features both hunks in skimpy see-through gear and tons of face humping action. And since this is Cat 24 we are required to mention that packed in between all the sweaty wrestling there is a ball smashing demonstration that requires multiple viewings. We must admit we never realized how much Scrappy LOVES to grab a dude’s junk! The gear, the sweat, the balls, and the humping make this one a MUST see.

Nick Flex vs Spencer Hawkins
This fierce clash is a bounty of pro wrestling moves and holds and neither fighter holds back. There are suplexes and bodyslams and bodies flying all over the ring for the duration of the match. Spencer has the balls to get into a rough scrap with Nick and he pays the price for his courage. We all know what happends when Nick is pissed! His opponent is going to take the brunt of his rage and his rage is fearsome.